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“Conference to Focus on Homosexual Rights” held in Champaign at the union for gay liberation organizations across the state of Illinois.An Affiliate of the National Coalition of Gay Activists.Some sources seemed to point to it as mostly being a male organization. Open to the public, many members from surrounding community including Danville.Gay Illini worked rigorously on the Champaign Human Rights Ordinance.GAYLY Illini in front of folder 4 talks about the center opening and taking on a more community education and information service role in addition to a lending library of sorts.Transfers to the Union in Fall of 1976.Starts a few times a week from 12-1 or 12-2, goes down to Wednesdays from 12-2 due to time constraints with shared space in the YWCA.The resource center provides a circulating collection of books and publications.Gay Illini resource center opens in YMCA (Student Advocate 1/14/76 heading “Resource Center to Begin Operation).Phoneline for information can be called from 7pm to 1am as well as for support and crisis hotline. Gay Illini Coffee House Wednesday night meetings of the Gay Illini took place at the Red Herring at 7:30 and are open to the not make dressing in non-gender conforming clothing an illegal act. Gay Liberation asks for Urbana to amend Sec.Activities included consciousness raising. August 1972, Gay Liberation Front formed at U of I.

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